De documenten van het International Energy Agency bekeken

De documenten van het International Energy Agency heb ik zelf snel bekeken hierbij de belangrijkste dingen die ik gelezen heb en belang zijn voor mijn project.

Poster Task32 Opvallend Chemical & sorption gaat niet verder dan simulation PCM gaat niet verder dan prototype in a laboratory Water gaat testen met installed system. Wij gaan proberen met PCM een installed system te bouwen.

Ecostock 2006 Paper The subcooling effect bij PCM’s Storage volume bij verschillende collector oppervlakten

The extended FSC procedure for larger storage sizes Duidelijke uitleg over FSC (Fractional Solar Consumption) Duidelijke grafiek over usable solar energy Qsolar,usable

The Reference heating System, the Template Solar System Grote opslag van warm water kunnen tot problemen leiden.

Chemical and sorption storage Selection of concepts Valt buiten scope van project dus niet echt gelezen

Thermal Properties of Materials for Thermo-chemical Storage of Solar Heat Valt buiten scope van project dus niet echt gelezen

Laboratory Prototypes of Thermo-Chemical and Sorption Storage Units Valt buiten scope van project dus niet echt gelezen

Storage based on Phase Change Materials (PCM) Selection of concepts For solar combisystems the most suited material appears to be Sodium acetate with its theoretical transistion temperature of 58 C.

Inventory of Phase Change Materials (PCM) Salt hydrate zijn te overwegen voor mijn project. Zeker een stuk om beter uit te zoeken. Ik kijk nu alleen naar paraffin. Salt hydraten kunnen meer energie opslaan.

Laboratory Prototypes of PCM Storage Units The storage density compared to water is strongly dependent on the temperature lift in the storage tank. For small temperature differences (50 – 70 °C) and immersed heat exchanger for the store of Institute of Thermal Engineering of Graz University of Technology can be sized about 1/3 of the volume compared to water by using sodium acetate trihydrate. For the same PCM-material but macro-encapsulated and for a temperature lift from 25 to 85 or 20 to 70°C in solar combisystems the store has the same size as a water store. For such cases, there is only little benefit from PCM with respect to store size. The simulations on an ideal heat storage solution show that this would be possible in a Danish climate with a PCM storage volume of 6 m3. Simulatie op basis van gebruik van een passief huis. For the seasonal storage of PCM the comparison to water stores is not as simple, because there are no heat losses of the subcooled PCM store. Compared to the theoretical heat storage of water without heat losses the PCM store can be reduce by about 30 %. Taking into account the long term heat losses of water stores the size reduction is far bigger.

LEGIONELLA IN COMBISYSTEMS TANKS Jammer genoeg alleen een opsommig van de problemen en de regelgeving in de diverse landen. Geen alternative mogelijkheden om legionella te bestrijden.

Simulation and Optimization of the Maxlean System “Simulations of innovative storage concepts” [2] revealed a most economical system size for the base case used in this study2 of only about 0.7 m3 of store volume and 10 m2 of solar collectors. If solar thermal energy shall play an important role in the energy economy or for high solar fractions (more than 50%) as suggested in “Solar Thermal Vision 2030” Op deze waarden ben ik ook uitgekomen dus dit klopt.

TASK 13: ADVANCED SOLAR LOW-ENERGY BUILDINGS Lessons learned in Task 13: The Task has demonstrated that it is possible to design very low energy buildings that at the same time have high thermal comfort, good indoor air quality, and low environmental impact. The total energy consumption does not differ very much from country to country. The energy consumption for water heating is as large as the energy consumption for space heating, and, more importantly, the energy consumption for lights and appliances is also quite large. It is necessary to consider the total energy use, and not to focus on space and/or water heating only. It is necessary to consider the building as a system, where the different technologies used are integral parts of the whole. Energy conservation, using high levels of insulation and superwindows, should be the first option considered. Mechanical ventilation systems appear to be essential in low energy buildings, but their use should be challenged. Passive solar gains can make a major contribution to space heating in all climates and do not lead to overheating if proper solar protection is used. Passive solar systems can offer several benefits and give solar houses a market advantage. Solar DHW is an effective way to reduce the water heating requirements. Active solar space heating is technically feasible but not cost effective. Photovoltaics is not, presently, cost effective for general use, but PV systems that operate other solar equipment may make sense. Designing new, innovative building concepts requires a multidisciplinary design team. There is a lack of advanced calculation tools for integrated design. Simulation can be reasonably accurate and give a good indication of how the building will perform, before it is built. Training of builders and on-site supervision is particularly important in low energy buildings. In many of the countries, the acceptance of new technologies by the trades is difficult. Laboratory testing of new and innovative components is necessary and useful. The Task 13 buildings provided motivation to experiment with new technologies. There is a market for low energy buildings, at least in some of the countries. Met haast alle conclusies kan ik eens zijn.

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